This data is still incomplete.
I revised an air speed meter. Please teach me the person who can point out an accident about a letter.
I added a “IF” logo
I added a logo to a joint. It does not seem that it is covered in Swedish ISOTTA FRASCHINI V6.
I set an ignition plug
I set an ignition plug to a cylinder block.
There is just it right on the top dead center of the piston.
The details of the plug are unclear as ever.
Spark plug
Manufacturer, model unknown
Shaft cover for magnet
There is not the photograph of the magnet and is a guess from a drawing
Hispano Suiza for Savoia S.51
This engine was drawn for Savoia S51.It is an engine block of Hispano suiza.There are a lot of plans of this flying boat, but, as for most plans, form is too slender.Besides, I do not have a photograph understanding shape of a rear engine cover.
Savoia S51のエンジン、イスパノ・スイザのエンジンブロックです。この機体の設計図はほとんど正確な物を見た事がありません。もっとも、写真も非常に少なく、後部のエンジンカバーの形状がわかる写真はまだ一度も見た事がありません。
The pivot of the rod
CrankshaftFiring order1-5-3-6-2-4The pivot of the rod is an angle of 120 degrees from the axis
Isotta Fraschini aero engine
I make the engine rear.
Approximate form was decided.
I make a part to put a magnet on from now on.
bevel gears& helical gears
The gear of the power axis is 25
The tappet side and the oil pump side are for each 20.
The gear of the tappet axis is 35. 14 gears drive it.