I changed the connection position of the wire


I changed the connection position of the wire from the upper wing to the top surface of the engine mount. This change was according to the photograph that I believe currently the only “Macchi M.7bis of 1921”. There are several ways of tension wire of M7.
It before the modification had been referring to the style in many M.7 of early type.

下翼から上翼につないでいたワイヤーをエンジンフレーム上面のやや前方向に変更しました。この変更は「1921年のMacchi M.7bis」と確信した唯一の写真に準じました。

Piaggio Pegna P.C.7



There was confusion on the information of the Piaggio Pegna PC7 engine.
IF Asso 1000 of where the material many say is not a V-type engine.
I became convinced I.F. asso500 has been installed by reviewing the documentation for the IF.
Piaggio had a V-12 cylinder engine.
Piaggio was made in 1929.
Horsepower is more than doubled if modified for racing the original.
Therefore, searching the horsepower of the engine it is meaningless.Piaggio Pegne P.C.7のエンジンについては混乱があります。
多くの資料が示すI.F. asso 1000はV6ではありません。
私は可能な限りIFの資料を精査してI.F. asso500が搭載されたと確信しました。
